Autosen GmbH
We are autosen, the sensor company. We are living the digital approach since day one in 2011, because agile thinking and acting for our customers is our first priority and a matter of personal importance for us. Unlimited possibilities can be unlocked with pioneering spirit, creativity and commitment. Possibilities that we have made our standards for you: Easiest product selection. Highest product quality. Revolutionary low prices. Fastest delivery. Sustainable customer satisfaction. We don’t treat our high standard lightly. We go the extra mile every day for thousands of customers supplying people and machines with the sensor and automation systems of the future. autosen gmbh was founded in Essen in 2011 as a joint venture with one of the world’s leading automation technology manufacturers. Thus we tap into more than 40 years of experience in the development and production of pioneering sensor systems.
Annastrasse, 41
Essen, 45130